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Love as Theatre

[Published in R.C. Solomon and K. Higgins, eds., The Philosophy of 'Erotic' Love. Univ. of Kansas Press, pp. 477-491, 1992.]


When my love swears that she is made of truth
I do believe her, though I know she lies William Shakespeare
In this paper I describe four problematic features of romantic love, which make literally impossible demands. These must drive us either to simple self-deception or to some other, more sophisticated response. Although we cannot, by definition, live the impossible, we can sometimes represent it – as witnessed by art as diverse as the poems of Homer and the drawings of Escher. In that vein, the alternative I suggest is that we attempt to apprehend the unattainable realizations symbolized by the impossible demands of romantic love by conscious, mutually consenting playing at love. I argue that a certain sort of sexual encounter, self-consciously limited to the present moment and without commitment to any subsequent relationship of any particular form, is a civilized successor to the old notion of romantic love. I shall call this the theater of love.